The Japanese always get the good stuff. The Sharp X68000 was a popular home computer in Japan, having a large libarary of great games, both arcade coversions and original titles. Here you can find out about some of these games, and find links to let you play these games on your PC.
512 KB (text) + 512 KB (graphic) |
65535 (16 colors in 1024 x 1024 to 65K in 512 x 512) |
FM Sound (Yamaha 2151 : 2 channels / 8 octaves stereo) + PCM (OKI MSM6258V : 4 bit mono) |
OS |
Human 68K 2.01 + SX Windows 1.0 |
2 x 5.25'' disk-drive |
Links to other X68000 resources
Here are other places on the net to find out about the X68000 line, and for Emulators & rom images.